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Displaying 1- 4 of 4 records found
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Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. pauciflora

Snow Gum

Summit, Spring Hill,, CRESWICK VIC 3363 - Property No T12195

Remnant native vegetation Rare or localised, disjunct community These Snow Gums (Eucalyptus pauciflora) are the last remaining trees from a more extensive group . Although the area has been protected from grazing in the late 1990s there is no sign of natural regeneration. This species is typically expected to be found in high mountain areas at the snow line Measurements: 16/06/2012 Tree 1 Spread (m): E-W 7.8; N-S 12.7 Girth (m): ... more



Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. pauciflora

Snow Gum

West Berry Road,, ALLENDALE VIC 3364 - Property No T12196

Remnant native vegetation Rare or localised, disjunct community Located 2.5km west of Allendale and 800m west of the Creswick-Lawrence Road, this is a very old isolated tree in the corner of a grazing paddock. The tree is probably 200 years old and growing on basalt derived soils over the famous Berry Deep Lead gold field. Snow Gums (Eucalyptus pauciflora) are more typically found in high mountain areas at the snow line. Measurements: ... more



Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. pauciflora

Snow Gum

'Andersons Farm', Dean-Mollongghip Road,, DEAN VIC 3352 - Property No T12197

Remnant native vegetation Rare or localised This Snow Gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora) is located on the roadside by 'Andersons Farm' and is possibly a remnant from a sparse population in the Creswick area. The area and basalt soil is typical of other sites of remnant trees. There is opinion that it maybe a planted tree providing shade to an adjoining paddock. Snow Gums are more typically found in high mountain areas near the snow line. Measurements: ... more



Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. pauciflora

Snow Gum

Spring Hill,, CRESWICK VIC 3363 - Property No T12203

Remnant native vegetation Disjunct community These Snow Gums (Eucalyptus pauciflora) are remnant trees left growing in a grazed paddock and are more typically found in high mountain areas near the snow line. There is no sign of regeneration. Measurements: 29/07/2012 Tree 1 Spread (m): E-W 13.3; N-S 14.6 Girth (m): 2.88 Height (m): 13.2 Estimated Age (yrs): 150+ Condition: Good Tree 2 Spread (m): E-W 18.3; ... more

